First Native OSGi Developers Meeting

On the 22nd of May 2012 the first Native OSGi developers meeting was hosted by Thales (Hengelo, Netherlands). Detailed notes about the meeting can be found here.

After a general introduction round, we discussed the current state of the available open-source frameworks (Celix, SOF, nOSGi, and CTK) and tried to identify common needs and goals. The projects had a lot in common, but also differed in some interesting ways.



Posted in  programming

OSGi Lite for C++

OSGi solves the Java modularity problem. This is the major feat of OSGi, as it is claimed by its advocates. While I am definitely pro OSGi, I can also see the difficulties when trying to migrate an existing code base with complex dependencies to an OSGi based system. This applies both to Java projects as well as C/C++ projects trying to migrate to one of the C/C++ OSGi frameworks.

In this blog post, I...


Posted in  programming

OSGi and C++

Updated on 10/04/2012: Poco OSP facts corrected (source: private mail with the developer)

In September 2011 I attended the OSGi Community Event in Darmstadt and had the opportunity to shortly discuss the state of native C++ implementations of the OSGi specifications with other attendees. Already before this event, I wanted to write a blog post about the current state of projects trying to implement a OSGi - like framework in C/C++. Finally, this...


Posted in  programming


The C++ micro Services Blog will contain posts about my current technological interests and research.

This includes, but is not limited to, programming languages, software design, and component and service oriented architectures.

Stay tuned for the next post, which will try to give an overview about the state of current efforts of implementing the OSGi specifications (which were written specifically for Java) in C++.


Posted in  general